Anyhoots, me just came back from drama camp like about 1 hr ago. Kinda tiring lah, but we didn't do like anything straining. But overall I kinda enjoyed it. Food was ok, more than enough, but I overloaded on chicken! Haha. Despite the fact that 2J had alot of drama members, only one turned up, and the person is Zakk. Wth lah the rest. Hopeless pigs. The camp was one night only. Rahul was at the drama camp. Haha, lagi more drama. I was like the only lower sec kid in my games group. Kavina sec4, Chi Ping sec4, Miko sec3, Michelle sec3, Kimberly sec3 was all in my group. Later I found out Vivick sec2 was going to join us later. Whee! We started out by colouring our legs and arms with our group's name, Ohh-Lala. Alot of people used my markers and then Kavina was like "Why are you so nice?" And I replied "People like you when you're nice", cool uh? Haha. You all like me right? Hehe. Went to hunt for things and then the things we found are going to be used for making a group skit later on. So cool lah. My group's skit or rather mime I should say (cause we all were just acting without sound) was nice. We met our bunk people. I was so happy when I knew I was going to be in the same bunk with Ice! I was like "Ice! We same bunk!" And then Ice was all like "Yay!", haha. Same bunk as Tara too, last year also we same bunk. Cool eh? I interacted with the sec3s cause they didn't quite know me yet. I was like "Eh Ice, let's interact with the sec3s! They don't know us!" Haha, and then the sec3s laughed. We watched A Tale Of 2 Sisters. I slept the first 30 mins and drooled cause I was very tired. After that had night walk. Abit scary but okay lah. No one was abducted or anything.
The next morning, Ice saved my ass and lent me her toothbrush! Thanks dear! Don't forget to put your toothbrush in Clorox and detergent to get my teeth dirt off ah? Haha! Had breakfast and got ready for Telematch. Get down and dir-tey! My group's first stop was at the basketball court. First game and my shirt all kena dirty by a mixture of flour, water, fruits(?) and more shit stuff. 2nd game was at the street soccer court. This pail of water put in lotsa shit things and then got straws inside. Using our mouths, we have to take out the straws from the disgusting mixed up water. Then Royce was like "Zakiah you watch out man!" Then I was like "I so scared!" Haha, I deeped my whole face into the mixture and then I swinged my hair back and splashed people. I took out on straw man! The mixture consisted of baked beans, rose syrup, agar and flour. Crap man. In the end I was bored so I decided to dirty people's faces. I took some leftover sticky mixture from my shirt and smeared it all over Royce's face. Haha! I did that to Michelle also. Haha! Fun lah! Haha! Then I went to wet myself in the shower and wash off all the dirt. Haha! Then had the dog-and-bone waterbomb style! Not too bad ah! Then last game was the one we blindfold oursleves with the black plastic which totally can see through lah. And then blindfolded, we have to walk on the bench all smeared with bananas and flour, and then crawl on the table cause it's too slippery to walk. Then through the monkey-bar with all the spiderwebs-like rope thingy. I was like the last of the last to do it lah so I requested for special treatment! Make me dir-tay! Oh, but first I was jumping around "blindfolded" and pretending to be ninja turtle and my name was Tortoise. Then people were like "Eh Tortoise stop jumping around!" Haha! On the bench, Berlin asked me to walk forward and I took baby steps! Haha! Then on the table crawling, I took all the smashed bananas with flour and threw all over the place. Haha! Sandy sec1 put the banana stuff in my shirt. Wah lao! I scream like siao ah! And then people throw water bomb at me. And then smeared banana on my legs and arms. And Flour all over. Wah, I was sex-ay! Ninja turtle Tortoise rocks lah! Haha! The rope thingy I was touching everywhere and messing up the whole place! When finished, I was all jumping like some idiotic ninja turtle wannabe. Haha! In the end mass cleaning up! I helped here and there, in the end I went to the basketball court to help. Was like the odd one out from the group lah I just action action extra try try fit in and help lorh. It's like Royce, Jennifer, Lynette, Vimal, Sophia, Jannah, Diana and Bernard all playing with water. Wah lao. Haha! And Royce is all crazy over Katharine Mcphee. I'm like sitting on the bench just kicking water and then he will just appear in front of you and sing Somewhere Over The Rainbow the way Kat sang it with all the actions. He will lie on the floor and start singing to himself and then sing to others. Wah lao. Irritating sia. Haha! In the end I just walked aroung trying to help and then I went to shower with Ice, different cubicles lah. Then lunch-ed together! I saw my Jin! At long last! I stole her away from her friends. Haha! Jin is mine lah. We talked, about Hot Guy and Drum Major. Haha, and stuff and more. Jin belanja-ed me a green tea! Love you Jin. Then she went off with her friends. After that had Mass Dog and Bone game. My group came in 3rd! Whee! The guys were like so rough lah! Kenneth grabbed Miko and Vivick together and then Miko pulled back and then Kenneth let go and then, jeng jeng jeng! Miko fell and sprain his ankle! Haha! Wah lao! I was laughing until I dropped to the floor lah. Super hilarious lah! After that, practised skit. Miko swapped roles with Vivick just because he ankle pain. Wah lao! But it was great lah! Vivick like was good and fast man! Yeah babey! I was standing in front of the strong fan and then my hair was un-tied so it was flying and I was standing in a erm, position. Then Lynette was like "Zakiah, America's Next Top Model ah!" I was liked "Something like that lah! Haha!" Then Fabian came and was like "Then why dressed until so skimp?" Then I was like " I don't need to be a celebrity all the time." Haha! Then cleaned up bunks and head the showers again! Haha, I know I'm a freak but I love to get wet and sex-ay! Got dressed and then got ready. Then at the buffet, everyone was dressed prettily except for a few skimpy ones. Like, urgh. I was like dressed normally. Then we all gathered in front of the buffet and presented our skits. My group was the only group doing a mime. Soundless man. The rest all have sound, like we odd one out lorh. So here's how the skit went.
Miko (Injured toot) comes in and introduces our characters and leaves. I'm like a rich bitch, Vivick is a homeless guy who likes to steal things and Kimberley my personal assistant. I walk in like rich brat, shaking my ass with Kimberley carrying some box cover over my head. And then I take out my pink marker and put on make up and then blows a kiss to the audience. While doing that, Vivick eyes on a high-heeled slipper on the street and looks at mua. Then after that I walk off shaking my ass at a slower speed and then Vivick comes running after me trying to steal my polka-dotted purse and then we pull and push the purse and then out fell the hair wax bottle. This is the part where Kimberley is shocked and runs off. She accidentally screamed. Haha. We stop, and then takes a look at the bottle and then look at each other and at the bottle again. Vivick chooses the hair wax over me and pushes me away. Then Vivick proceeds to take the wax to style his hair. And then I get angry I take the dustpan and decides to karate him but then as I almost hit him with dustpan, he winks at me and my heart melts so I use the dustpan to "scoop" him nearer to me. And then he signals me to wait and then runs to the high-heeled slippers and then shows me and trys to fit it on but can't so I not happy and sad. Then Vivick is like sad also so he signals the nevermind look and then I smile and he smiles and we walk off together. And the skit ends with Vivick putting his arms around mua as we walk off. The end.
Beautiful uh? Everyone aww-ed at the end. Hehe, and the sec 1s were like "Ooh, Zakiah and Vivick!" And I was like "Nonsense lah!" When Vivick kena by the sec 1s his reply was "I'm a good actor, that's all" And I add, "Yeah, seriously, he's a good actor!". Haha! We makan-ed and then voted for our future drama committee. . And then Prizes for the skits. I seriously like had no clue if my group can make it like best 3 cause we all like soundless. And the 3rd prize winner was Syafiqah's group. Some powerpuff girls thingy. Quite interesting. 2nd was Kendra's or Syaza's group. Can't remember. And then I was like thinking, no hope lah, we screwed it. Sure not 1st lah. Then JiaLiang announced got a tie. 2 1st prize winners. My mind at that time was like "No hope" Then JiaLiang announced "Group 4!" And I was like WTF? We got 1st? Serious ah? Haha, so cool lah. Then Rahul's group got 1st too and he like so enthu quickly went to get the prize. Haha! Funny lah. Then the prizes for Dog-and-Bone. My group got 3rd but still have prize. 1st prize, Rahul's group again. Haha. Makan-ed and chatted. And then Heetesh (I don't spell) was like "Eh you bitchy very good ah!" Then I was like "Of course lah!" Hehe. Then Fabian also said I good then I said Thank you. I so sincere lorh! Haha! Then talk talk and talk. And then cleared up and went to take bags. And then Ms Puja talked and the yada yada yada. Decided to take taxi home. Cheeken and Ice dear flagged a cab for Chandni first. Ahh, I so love Chee and Ice. Before that I hugged Pragati and Tammie. Then I hugged Afini and she wouldn't let go. Haha! She misses me. I miss her too! I miss Pragati and Tammie too! Ah I want to hug them now! Thanks Chee and Ice for waiting with me for the cab! I love you guys so so much, words can't describe how much I will feel when I don't see you guys. Really. Thanks Ice for lending me cash! I promise to return you the cash when I get back from Msia ok? I love you Ice! Muacks! Ok so that wraps up my drama camp. Great time with great friends. Muacks!