Tuesday, August 26, 2014

I can't seem to comprehend why I've been making the worst life decisions this year. I don't believe in New Year resolutions but is that the very reason why? If I were to make a list, would I be one to follow through? I wouldn't think so.

It has been a difficult year no doubt, but I wouldn't think it is the most difficult one because so far, I've been pretty self-aware of every decision I follow through, even the bad ones.

I'm not sure where I'm really going with this, to be honest.

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

"Why do you wear makeup?"

"Do you want the -philosophical- answer or the -shutupyourface- answer?"

"... The -shutupyourface- answer"

"Well then, shut up your face..."

"Uh, okay..."

Being the pantsy ass that I've always been, I tend to have a thing for not disclosing the truth. Not that I was being dishonest in the first place, I had nothing to lie about. I just didn't have the heart to let anyone know that hey, I put makeup on so that I've something to hide behind.