Thursday, January 19, 2012

This morning, I'd very much to fuck my life right now.

How's it possible that I've way too many responsibilities to shoulder? How's it possible that I'm wasting my youth thinking about my future and bills? How's it possible that somewhere out/up there, someone/thing thinks I've the capacity to carry all these burden?

I'd like to say I hate my life very much right now. Honestly, I'm not impressed with who I am. Sometimes I can do so much, yet sometimes I retreat into a little corner and be nothing.

Most of the time, in fact, all the time, I want to be worryless. I want to stop wallowing in self-pity because who gives a fuck, right?

As of now, on the brighter side of things, I'm content with the people I have in my circle right now. And I think happy thoughts. Perhaps, that's just how I get by and survive this notion called life.


Saturday, January 14, 2012

And despair's the only emotion I can give to you, world.

I try so hard. So so hard.

But that's all I'm left with.

And that's all I'm leaving as.

A failure.