School is making me furious.
Why can't we have a full-day break like every other schools in Singapore? Why do we only have a half-day break?
And then take away 3 periods of Art? (Not that it helps in this matter because apparently, Art hasn't been of much progress.)
Andand, do you have to call everyone's parents to tell them the students were late for school?
That's bloody ridiculous man.
You only assume we are late to school because we didn't wake up any earlier.
Yes, I've been victimised too.
The taxis have increased their prices. Isn't it fucking obvious that alot of taxi-taking people will now switch to commuting on the bus which in tuen will make the bus more crowded.
Now, a full crowded obviously wouldn't stop for you even if you've flagged it down.
Sometimes, it's not our fault we miss the bus, blame the taxi companies, or better the government.
And you know when you're accustomed to bus timings for months, until one day, you realise you're at the bus stop same times before, but you realise your bus isn't going to come?
So the bus changed their arrival timings. You blaming us for that?
Most of us don't have the privilege of being driven to school. We have to take public transport and the prices are not decreasing. Even those who go to school by car even get caught in traffic jams.
Who are you going to blame for that? The parents/guardians for not waking up any earlier to drive their kids to school? Or the parents/guardians for not driving faster?
Seriously, late doesn't equate to missing assembly. In fact, some don't even miss assembly but they have to be outcasted cause they arrived too late.
It's fucking unfair. Well, bet you're going to tell me, life's unfair.
It's us who make life so stupid and boring.
Oh well, let's all be immature about everything (eg being 5secs late to school) and sulk.
Narcissitic me took over during CNY. Hahaha, pictures taken were after visiting. I was bored alright.
I took pictures with the computer mouse. Gettit? Year of the mouse? Computer mouse? Chinese New Year?! Gerrit?! -_-
You're probably thinking "Eee, act cute!". Yes, I know I'm cute already. Please stop reminding me. HAHAHA!
Alrighty then, those are the pictures I took for CNY. Not much visiting done but what da heck right. It's the thought that counts.
I even purchased a cheena top from Chinatown mind you, nutheads.