This is so uncalled for but my nose just bled. I swear I wasn't watching porn, not that I even watch it at all, if you know what I mean. I'm typing this as a tissue is stuck up my left nostril. I thought it was mucus leaking but when I touched it.
2.30am, in my air-conditioned room since god-knows-when, nose bleed. Story of my life. Fuckyeahmylifeisinteresting.
And what's up with Tumblr and all those mini-posts these days? So trendy? You think you cool? You think you "underground"? Pfft. Hate trends. Hate.
I was going to sleep at 2am but look at the time now. 3.23am. Say whut? I know right. So stupid.
Initially this was what I was going to blog about.
So yeah, I've been thinking about it and of course I'll admit it, it really hit me hard. It's a freaking CA assignment and the first one at that and I got a D+.
Wait, that's a fail isn't it? Yes, I freaking failed an assignment for a module that I truly love and enjoy. Drawing Studio (DS). I painted. And I failed. The only flaw I saw in that painting was that stupid corner object in which I refuse to name because it's my fucking concept and you don't have to fucking know. But a fail?! Go fuck your mother. Fucking demoralizing piece of grade.
I mean, it's afterall Surrealism that I'm going to take after. Nothing's supposed to make sense. And it has inspired and taught me to not give a damn. Thanks Duchamp, you're quite the badass yourself. And my inner Taurus tells me that I get whatever I want and I don't care what others think. That's right.
Grades? Nyeh. But an A would be good, no? Oh well. Few more weeks to go and I'm one-third on my way to receiving a diploma and then off to getting a degree! Whoot whoot, can't wait.