Thursday, January 28, 2010

While in school or somewhere outside of home,

"Wow thisthishis happened today, what a mindfuck, shall blog about it when I get home!"

When I reach home,

"Nyehhhhhh, maybe tomorrow, very busy watchingporn!"


Wednesday, January 20, 2010

I had a dream that I was leading a group of my friends. For a fight. A real right. Like really a matbedokVSmatjurong-voiddeck gangfight.

My strategy was to put the girls in my "gang" in front to somehow fool the other gang and then when both gangs were in front of each other, all ready and fierce, I realised the other gang adopted the same strategy and they even had more girls, and more fierce-looking ones! Scary.

I also realised we were outnumbered.

So my finals words to my gang was,


Then the dream ended.


Friday, January 15, 2010

This is so uncalled for but my nose just bled. I swear I wasn't watching porn, not that I even watch it at all, if you know what I mean. I'm typing this as a tissue is stuck up my left nostril. I thought it was mucus leaking but when I touched it.


2.30am, in my air-conditioned room since god-knows-when, nose bleed. Story of my life. Fuckyeahmylifeisinteresting.

And what's up with Tumblr and all those mini-posts these days? So trendy? You think you cool? You think you "underground"? Pfft. Hate trends. Hate.

I was going to sleep at 2am but look at the time now. 3.23am. Say whut? I know right. So stupid.

Initially this was what I was going to blog about.

So yeah, I've been thinking about it and of course I'll admit it, it really hit me hard. It's a freaking CA assignment and the first one at that and I got a D+.


Wait, that's a fail isn't it? Yes, I freaking failed an assignment for a module that I truly love and enjoy. Drawing Studio (DS). I painted. And I failed. The only flaw I saw in that painting was that stupid corner object in which I refuse to name because it's my fucking concept and you don't have to fucking know. But a fail?! Go fuck your mother. Fucking demoralizing piece of grade.

I mean, it's afterall Surrealism that I'm going to take after. Nothing's supposed to make sense. And it has inspired and taught me to not give a damn. Thanks Duchamp, you're quite the badass yourself. And my inner Taurus tells me that I get whatever I want and I don't care what others think. That's right.

Grades? Nyeh. But an A would be good, no? Oh well. Few more weeks to go and I'm one-third on my way to receiving a diploma and then off to getting a degree! Whoot whoot, can't wait.


Monday, January 11, 2010

My life thus far.

Oh well. I'm hoping this will make up for it.

Hate me everyone.
