Sunday, November 19, 2006

World Aid's Day falls on the 1st of December. And on this day, we're all reminded of how Aids is dominating the world. How dangerous it is to have unprotected sex. How many people have contracted this deadly disease. And how many people have died from it.

We're all reminded of a whole lot of things all the time. But do we really think about them? No, I don't think so because I admit I'm guilty of it as well.

So remember, use a condom.

Think about it.

Why not you just spend a few dollars on a piece of good condom and then enjoy the whole night long without having to worry, rather than making your woman pregnant and having to spend hundreds for an abortion. Or, if you are thoughtful, spend hundreds of hard-earned money which was initially your future college fees to bring up the baby and throw your studies aside. Or do both at the same time which is seriously agonising.

Worse, you might have already conracted Aids. Your baby might have too.

So think about it aight.

I've read up on a website before, that there's no such thing as safe-kissing. So yeah, before you kiss someone on the lips, make sure the kissee isn't ill or you aren't ill. Make sure you both are healthy before kissing.

I swear I didn't know kissing could also cause you to contract Aids.

I'm sorry Charis, we must stop frenching from now on. No more kissing, no more pulling my head closer to yours to kiss you early in the morning. No more, and I'm not happy.

I know it's hard, but I want to have kids in the future okay.



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