Tuesday, February 02, 2010

My phone's not cooperating with me. It keeps popping up messages saying my "storage memory is critically low" or something like "SMSes will only be received once the inbox is not full" or something like that. It's annoying because I've been deleting a coupla billion text messages from my inbox and deleting pictures and videos as well.

Okay, I just switched off and on my omnia. "3 new text messages". Thank you very much samsung, I needed to know that. The first text was at 10pm and it's close to 12am now. So much for loving you omnia, I really do but you know in a relationship, we really have to give and take. I know I always flood your memory capacity but I do delete them at some point of time so you don't get fat. And now you do your part by delivering my text messages on time. Okay? That's settled then. I forgive you this time.

Another text message just came in. Hold your horses phone, I still have to blog. Pffft.

Okay now laptop's turn to screw up. Will send Panther for servicing tomorrow if I can wake up.

Goodnight world.



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