Monday, December 13, 2010

What should I blog about today?

*Puts on thinking cap*

Let's just say I've one of the most amazing friends in the world right now. Fah went to Korea (during a school week what the hell) and got me 2 of my favourite things in the world in 1.

A motherfucking silver Storm Trooper ring. It's like one of the most amazing-est thing ever and I'm forever grateful *wipes tears*.

Right now, I'm just waiting for 2 companies to reply my emails regarding internship. Pfft, one thing I don't understand is that why does SP make our internships during the year break which is like only one month plus. Whereas other schools like TP and NP (I think) makes their internships one whole semester. I think the latter is much more effective and efficient really. I mean, just how much can you learn in one and a half months, compared to 3 months?

Also, our end of year 2 holidays will be taken away because of our internship which I think is super ridiculous. I mean it's like the transition between year 2 to year 3, shouldn't we all be chilling before the hectic year 3 begins?

I don't know man, I just think all these are being overlooked and I believe the lecturers owe us an explanation. It's just unfair.

Other than that, I'm quite excited that my second year in SP is ending soon because I cannot wait to get my diploma and leave this school and eventually, country *crosses fingers*.

Anyway, I went for Singapore Toy, Games and Comic Convention last Friday with fellow classmates but I was with Fah 98% of the time. To cut the long story short and not scare my non-existent readers with my inner-geek, Fah and I went crazy.



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